UCC Coffee Australia Limited and UCC Coffee New Zealand Limited


This Privacy Policy applies to UCC Coffee Australia Limited, UCC Coffee New Zealand Limited and their subsidiaries in Australia and New Zealand (“UCC ANZ”).  UCC ANZ is part of the global UCC Group (“UCCG”).

UCC ANZ is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals.  This Policy has been adopted pursuant to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) and Privacy Act 2020 (NZ), and explains the way we manage personal information in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), New Zealand Information Privacy Principles, credit reporting provisions and other laws affecting personal privacy (Privacy Law).  We will comply with all applicable Privacy Law and co-operate with the data protection authorities.

Words and expressions including “personal information”, “sensitive personal information”, “credit information” and other words that are defined in the Privacy Law of Australia or New Zealand bear the same meaning when used in this Policy.


UCC ANZ collects personal information about individuals that we deal with in order to manufacture and market our products, and meet our legal obligations.

We collect personal information about individuals who have contact with our business in Australia and New Zealand including:

  • our consumers;

  • our customers who are individuals and persons managing and controlling some corporate customers;

  • our employees, contractors and suppliers; and

  • individuals seeking employment, or seeking to provide contracting or supplier services to us.


We may collect, hold, use and disclose personal information of individuals, including sensitive information, for a number of purposes, including:

  1. responding to individual requests or questions;

  2. processing and administering customer purchases or dealings with suppliers;

  3. selecting and recommending products to individuals;

  4. providing general health information, and information on products and services;

  5. customising products and/or services;

  6. conducting analysis for marketing and research so that we can improve our products;

  7. conducting analysis of consumer needs and/or discerning general patterns and trends of consumption;

  8. conducting and administering competitions and promotions;

  9. sending you publications, correspondences, email releases, updates or notifications;

  10. conducting credit and other business assessments;

  11. for such other purposes where individuals have given consent; and

  12. where we are otherwise permitted in accordance with Privacy Law.

We will not collect personal information about you unless the information is voluntarily submitted by you, with your consent, or is otherwise fair and lawful to do so.

We collect personal information about individuals through our websites, through phone conversations (including with the use of call tracking technology), and in personal contact between our staff or consultants and individuals as well as in forms completed by individuals.  In some cases we also obtain information from third parties such as a credit reporting body, another credit provider, or persons representing you.

We typically hold the personal information we collect on electronic databases, but some information may be held in hard copy files.

The type of personal information we collect will depend upon the purpose for which it was obtained.  If you do not want your information to be used for the purposes mentioned above, please do not provide the information to us.

Information sought from employees, contractors or suppliers will be relevant to their employment or services as applicable and sought for that purpose or related purposes. The type of information sought from them (and persons seeking to engage with us in those capacities), will include name, address contact details, past employment or service delivery history, and medical and other information relevant to their employment or services.  In some cases, we will ask them to consent to us acquiring and using sensitive personal information about them.

We collect personal information from consumers and customers when they register for activities such as promotions, or contact us concerning our products, including by phone, mail, email, through our websites, by making an online purchase or otherwise submitting information via a website.  Information collected may include name and contact details, preferences, and payment information, including credit card or direct debit bank account information.


Children and young people who are below 18 years of age are advised to obtain permission from their parents or guardians before they submit personal information to any of our websites.

We receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us via any of our websites.  For example, like many websites, when you visit our sites our server attaches a small data file known as a “cookie” to your hard drive.  This enables us to analyse usage patterns on the site in order to tailor it to your needs.  Cookies identify your computer to our servers when you visit the site.  Most web browsers are set to accept cookies.  If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can refuse the transfer of cookies to your computer’s hard drive by adjusting your Internet browser.  Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user’s browser.  We do not store any information inside cookies.

We may collect information about the date, time and duration of visits, and which pages of the site are most commonly accessed.  This information may be used by us to help improve the site.  We do not link this information back to other information that you have provided to us.


We collect your personal information from you when you submit an entry for a promotion. UCC ANZ collects your personal information in order to enter you into the promotion you have selected and to tell you about products and services offered by UCC ANZ or a related body corporate.  UCC ANZ may disclose your information to persons overseeing the administration of the promotion, persons answering customer support inquiries, or performing statistical analysis of our services and products, including organisations and persons located in Australia or New Zealand.  If you do not provide us with any of the information we require, we may not be able to enter you into the selected promotion.  The terms of this Policy may be amended in relation to any specific promotion in accordance with the terms and conditions of that promotion.


We collect personal information about individual customers and persons proposing to act as guarantors of customers, so that we may transact business with the customer.  The type of information we collect may include name, address, contact details, information in relation to the products they are seeking to acquire from UCC ANZ, information concerning payment for the products and where relevant, credit information.  The information set out above concerning our websites also applies to customers submitting personal information via our websites.

We may collect personal information from credit providers and credit reporting bodies, where a customer has sought credit from us.  The personal information may include identity information, consumer credit eligibility information, information concerning applications made for credit, types of credit sought, defaults and public information concerning credit worthiness.


We will treat any personal information that we receive from you with care and recognise the need for appropriate action to manage and protect any information that you share with us against unauthorised access. UCC ANZ will not disclose personal information for any commercial purpose or gain without your consent, unless permitted or required by law.

UCCG is a leading Japanese global beverages group listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and operates across Asia, Europe (including the United Kingdom), the Americas (including the USA) and in Australia and New Zealand (UCC Companies).  We may share your personal information with other UCC Companies, both within Australia and New Zealand, and globally.

We may from time to time disclose the personal information that we receive from you to certain selected organisations, sub-contractors and agents to whom we outsource certain functions for example, mailing houses, persons answering customer support enquiries or performing statistical analysis of our services and products, including such organisations, sub-contractors and agents that are located in either Australia or New Zealand.  In some circumstances these organisations may be in other countries. When we do this, we will generally require that party to acknowledge the confidentiality of the information and to undertake to comply with Australian or New Zealand Privacy Law and this Policy.  In most cases, if you do not provide us with your personal information we will be unable to respond to your request or transact business with you.

We may use and disclose your personal information to tell you about products and services offered by UCC ANZ or a related body corporate.  If you do not want us to use your personal information for this purpose, you can contact us using the details provided below. We will not pass on your information for direct marketing purposes to anyone other than the persons or organisations set out above, unless you have given us consent.

UCC ANZ may disclose your information to persons answering customer support enquiries or performing statistical analysis of our services and products including organisations. If you do not provide us with any of the information we require, we may not be able to respond to your questions or feedback.  By giving us your information, you consent to us using or disclosing the information in that way.


We take all reasonable precautions to keep your personal information secure, and require third parties that handle or process your information to also do so.


If you have submitted Personal Information, but:

  1. do not wish for us to make any further use of the information for the above purposes; or

  2. wish to access or make changes to the information you provided us,

you may write to us at the following address and to the attention of “Privacy Officer” :

  • In Australia, to UCC Coffee Australia Limited, PO Box 140, Seven Hills NSW 1730 or contact us at 1800 4BEANS (1800 423 267) or e-mail us at

  • In New Zealand, to UCC Coffee New Zealand Limited, Private Bag 93230, Parnell, Auckland 1151 or contact us at 0800 4BEANS (0800 423 267) or email us at,

and we will exercise all reasonable efforts to remove the relevant information from our records.

Subject to the exceptions contained in the Privacy Law, you have a right to request access to your personal information we hold and also to request its correction.  If you make a request for correction, we will take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to correct your information.


UCC ANZ has appointed a Privacy Officer in both Australia and New Zealand who will investigate and respond to any complaints concerning our compliance with this Policy or Privacy Law.  If you have any concerns about privacy or you wish to complain about a breach of privacy, you may contact us using the contact details above.  All complaints will be investigated and we will aim to resolve them promptly.  If a complaint takes longer to resolve, we will keep you informed of the progress.  Otherwise, we will notify you of the outcome of our investigation, or the way we propose to resolve your complaint.

If you would like to know more about the outcome of the complaint investigation, please contact our Australian or New Zealand Privacy Officer.

If you are unsatisfied with the handling of your complaint, you may lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (“OAIC”) or the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner.  For more information about making a complaint with the OAIC, visit  For information about making a complaint with the NZ Privacy Commission visit

UCC ANZ may from time to time amend this Policy without prior notice.


Revised April 2022

Copyright © 2022 UCC Coffee Australia Limited